The Moral Landscape: How Science can Determine Human Values (2010) is a book by Sam Harris. In it, he joins the ranks of those supporting a Science of Morality, and argues that too many thinkers have long confused the relationship between morality, facts, and science. Harris suggests that morally "good" things pertain to increases in the "flourishing of conscious creatures" (and explains that claims pertaining to anything else are, at very least, extremely uninteresting). He adds that Moral questions have right and wrong answers that are grounded in empirical facts; to Harris, Moral nihilism and Moral relativism are out, Moral naturalism is in. As the author puts it "just as there is no such thing as Christian physics or Muslim algebra, there can be no Christian or Muslim morality." Although he does not claim to provide all the answers, Harris hopes to provide a new context for debates about morality.