miércoles, 12 de mayo de 2010

Musulmanes atacan a dibujante en universidad sueca

Swedish cartoonist Lars Vilks, who sparked controversy by drawing Prophet Mohammed with the body of a dog, was on Tuesday attacked while giving a lecture at a university.

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Todo por este dibujo...

El siguiente fragmento que rescaté de un foro me parece pertinente.

Comentario: "im atheist everything, but come on now, we're all adults , why would you wanna get out of ur way just to piss some people off. im sorry but he kinda deserves it."

Respuesta: "Clearly we're not all adults. The man was giving a lecture at a secular university, not walking into a mosque with muhammed's face on a shirt. Explain how he was going out of his way to piss people off? Should we allow people with controversial ideas to be beaten and killed because they, "deserve it?" And how does one even deserve it? I'm heavily offended by the Koran but I don't take to the streets frothing at the mouth ready to attack and possibly kill anyone who espouses it. To roll your eyes and blame the victim is a passive approval of aggressive, irrational violence."

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